Testimonials - Shore n Cliff Innisfail

a collection of stories

As people who love Welsh Springer Spaniel dogs as well as the new friends and contacts that Dog Breeding brings with it, we thought we would include as many stories as possible from the people who have bought puppies from Shore n Cliff Dog Breeders.

We think that over time, the collection of stories we include will help to shape the true temperment and personalities of the Welsh Springer Spaniel dog.

Hi Nola,

I wanted to message a lil update about Edward.

In the past couple weeks he seems to have grown up after hitting the 6 month mark! He’s calmed down so much, excels every day with his training, listen really well (most of the time 😂) very much a cuddler, which we love!

We are over the moon with him! He’s gentle and patient with my lil nieces and nephews.

We thought it would be nice to let you know you are raising an incredible breed, we are so grateful to have found you guys! Thank you! 🙏🏼🤍

Edward a 6 month old Welsh Springer Spaniel dog

Cale Makar (professional hockey player for the Colorado Avalanche) and wife are fellow Welshie lovers!!


Presley the latest Makar family member.

Hi Bruce and Nola,

Just reaching out to provide an update regarding Luka. He has brought so much joy to Lauren and myself over the past year. He is such a happy guy and has been a fantastic fit for us. Thanks again for raising such an awesome little guy!

I’ve attached a few photos so you can see Luka and how he’s looking these days. If there’s anything we can do to help out or recommend your services please let me know. He has been a fantastic addition to our family.

Take care,
MConnor and Lauren

Luka on the Couch
Luka in the Mountains

Watson out for an evening row in our dinghy. He is very happy on our boat, knows to get in the bow of the dinghy but does not enjoy being in a kayak. He WILL NOT GO SWIMMING, we have tried...even on the hottest days. He is always so full on NRG & is the happiest dog we know.

Watson - riding in a boat
Watson - looking at his birthday cake
Watson's First Birthday

Hi Bruce and Nola, Hope you are well! Just wanted to share a photo of Tycho now that he is 8 months old. He has been an excellent puppy, has a great temperament, loves people and visiting other dogs, enjoys 2 walks per day, has been easy to train (is smart) and is a wonderful companion. Although the early months are a lot of work we have thoroughly enjoyed him. Hope his parents and the rest of the litter have done well. Wishing you all the best with spring on the way! - Cheers, Suzette

Tycho - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog

Hi Nola, Just a lovely photo of June, which I did post on the WSS site. She is such a great companion, and everyone who meets her falls in love with her. Such a great personality, I only wished I had known about this breed early in my life. She is my best friend, she is well loved 🥰 Thanks for raising such a great 🐶

June - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog

Good Morning Nola and Bruce,

Chris, Finnigan and I would like to wish you a warm and safe holiday season. We thank you again for choosing our home for Finnigan. The joy he has brought into our lives is truly indescribable. I’m sure everybody thinks their puppy is the most loved but we would have to argue! We will very much enjoy our holidays more with Finn around to cuddle up with.

I have included a couple of recent pictures, although I swear he grows and changes everyday. The top picture is when he met Logan, whom belongs to the Oshanyks in Canmore. Finnigan comes with us almost everywhere, he travels amazing and is so incredibly smart and welcomed by all.


Just a quick update on Lili. She is 35 lbs and 18 inches tall. She loves being outside even on our cold MB days. As you can see, she is a jumper. One day getting her to where I groom her, she just jumped up on my workbench.

We try to go snowshoeing at least 4 times a week for about an hour. She can go forever, but then settles once we are at home. She loves meeting people. She has been a great for me, especially this past winter.


She is the best dog I have ever owned!

Hi Nola: Marty is doing great! Sleeping better every night & growing every day!

Marty - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog

Thank you again for our beautiful boy
Michele Smith

We simply adore Bree. She is such a cuddler! She loves the agility ( no trials of course right now) She just eats up learning. She has caught 4 wild rabbits on our property and eaten them whole! and of course chases the squirrels and can climb quite well up the tree. She has been taught to stand (not to chase the wild deer) and of course flushes the birds around here and loves to swim and hunt on the trails.

Bree - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog

Thanks for such a wonderful dog we couldn’t love her more She is smart, beautiful and just delights (Doug my husband) and me.

Picture of Gemma enjoying the snow. She brings such joy to our lives. Love seeing Ginger’s new pups.

Gemma - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog

Hi Nola, I hope you and Bruce are doing well. I have been meaning to send you a message for quite a while. I just want to thank you for Stella, she has been nothing but love, kindness and a whole lot of therapy for me and the kids. I can’t believe she will already be 5 years old this fall.


She is most happy around people but also loves visits with her cousin Cooper

Hi Nola

Apollo is so sweet. This is the latest photo I have of him.

Apollo - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog

He looks small but he weighed 39.9 lbs at that time and he is 42 lbs now. Will take more so you see his whole body. He actually looks more like his Mom I think. One of the gals who gives obedience classes said that he is so well adjusted and that she can’t understand why there aren’t more of that breed since they are such a perfect size and great disposition....

It was fun to meet Margo and Peter and they had lots of chance to sit and just enjoy Apollo. We chatted quite a bit and I let them know that he has as much energy as required. He definitely requires exercise. He goes to doggy daycare 4 days a week so has lots of play time and socialization. He keeps up with the most energetic of the dogs.

I also heard you have a couple more dogs.... Sounds terrific.

Hi Nola

Just a quick note, again, to Thank Bruce and Nola for the wonderful pet we have in Piper. She has settled into our home life like a charm. We have two older dogs, that we introduced her to, and they have become fast friends. This breed is extremely loving, and eager to please.

All we have to say to her is good girl and she responds in a wonderful way, Just the same if we reprimand her, just a firm no, and she wants to please you so bad, that she corrects herself shortly! She was house broken in a couple of days, sleeps soundly through the night in her kennel. I am so looking forward to spring, if it ever arrives, to have her out and about learning and seeing all the new things. A wonderful breed for a family pet, can't say enough!

Piper - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog
Piper - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog
Piper - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog

Hi Nola and Bruce, As you can see Gemma is settling in quite well. We are working on the bell training and as you can see from one of the pics it is a work in progress. She is so smart, our daughter has dubbed herself the trainer, and is determined to catch her up to the tricks of our last dog.

Gemma - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog
Gemma - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog
Gemma - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog

Sherry - Cochrane, Alberta

Hi Bruce and Nola, I wanted to send this sooner but life with two kids and a puppy is busy! In a great way:)

We decided to keep his name as Charlie. Our daughter wanted it as her favourite story is about a puppy named Charlie. He looks just like a Charlie so we decided it was silly to name him anything else.

He is a sweet heart and is amazing with the girls. My youngest hand-feeds him his food and he takes it so gently from her. Here is a photo from a few minutes ago.

Charlie - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog

Lisa - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Penny found a toy in the closet yesterday for the dogs and Penny ran around doing donuts with it for about 2 hours yesterday! Definitely a good find!!!! Penny is now 9 months old and was from Reba's litter.

Penny - a Welsh Springer Spaniel dog